Greetings from Chester County, Pa. The carpeting and black patterned runner are shipping today and that's a good thing. If the pieces didn't arrive by the middle of this week, they'd have to sit for weeks because the client is road tripping on Saturday. Even with gas prices somewhat higher than usual, it is still good to get the heck out of Dodge for a while(forever...) and change the scenery a little. I feel trapped many days having the shop to carry instead of being on the road but cannot think of a way to run a retail design firm without one! One of these days I'll figure it out. Friday and Saturday turned out to be shade weekend and I'm not talking about how light diminishes in intensity as a result of the interception of the sun's rays. I am referring to Hobbled Roman Shades Three are going to be a textured wheat and two made of a thick brown suede. Friday's selections will be neutral with slubs of Fatigue Green, to match the newly chosen wall color. Talk about earthy. Today's photo is of Antique Ivory Travel Suitcases that are made for travel or simply for decoration. Throw them in the back of your vintage Mercedes and let's go! Sort of like Bertha Benz, who, on this day in 1888 drove from Mannheim to Pforzheim in the first long distance automobile trip. Oh, yeah. Saturday I delivered the chest and nightstand and it went without a hitch. The father was there and helped me a lot. I am lucky to deal with (most of the time) the nicest people. We set the pieces in place, tidied up and had a beer. Then, I had to make the shortest road trip...a half mile away, to a dumpster that accepted only cardboard. And guess what. I had a ton of it. Many Guardian Angels surrounding me. Yesterday afternoon was spent with my sister, neice and nephew. We went to the creek with the dogs, hit the Dollar Store and played games outside. Then after they left, ELM and I threw tubes into my truck and hit another river with the dogs. This morning I went on my run and got a lot of attitude from them. Seems the little guys were tired and did a stand-off. And I do mean stand-off. One went back to the truck, one refused to budge. The third was fine tho'. But I can take a hint! All I want now is for someone to slow the summer down. Have a great day, and when you step on the gas pedal, try not to pull a Tony Schumacher. Ease on down the road...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Road Tripping...
Greetings from Chester County, Pa. The carpeting and black patterned runner are shipping today and that's a good thing. If the pieces didn't arrive by the middle of this week, they'd have to sit for weeks because the client is road tripping on Saturday. Even with gas prices somewhat higher than usual, it is still good to get the heck out of Dodge for a while(forever...) and change the scenery a little. I feel trapped many days having the shop to carry instead of being on the road but cannot think of a way to run a retail design firm without one! One of these days I'll figure it out. Friday and Saturday turned out to be shade weekend and I'm not talking about how light diminishes in intensity as a result of the interception of the sun's rays. I am referring to Hobbled Roman Shades Three are going to be a textured wheat and two made of a thick brown suede. Friday's selections will be neutral with slubs of Fatigue Green, to match the newly chosen wall color. Talk about earthy. Today's photo is of Antique Ivory Travel Suitcases that are made for travel or simply for decoration. Throw them in the back of your vintage Mercedes and let's go! Sort of like Bertha Benz, who, on this day in 1888 drove from Mannheim to Pforzheim in the first long distance automobile trip. Oh, yeah. Saturday I delivered the chest and nightstand and it went without a hitch. The father was there and helped me a lot. I am lucky to deal with (most of the time) the nicest people. We set the pieces in place, tidied up and had a beer. Then, I had to make the shortest road trip...a half mile away, to a dumpster that accepted only cardboard. And guess what. I had a ton of it. Many Guardian Angels surrounding me. Yesterday afternoon was spent with my sister, neice and nephew. We went to the creek with the dogs, hit the Dollar Store and played games outside. Then after they left, ELM and I threw tubes into my truck and hit another river with the dogs. This morning I went on my run and got a lot of attitude from them. Seems the little guys were tired and did a stand-off. And I do mean stand-off. One went back to the truck, one refused to budge. The third was fine tho'. But I can take a hint! All I want now is for someone to slow the summer down. Have a great day, and when you step on the gas pedal, try not to pull a Tony Schumacher. Ease on down the road...