Tuesday, August 19, 2008

...ready for my closeup...

Greetings everyone! Again, it is sunny and great here in Chester County, PA. I found more photos from our beach excursion and I have to say...I need to be faster on the draw. My intended objects were alive and thus moved a little too quickly for me to capture on digital memory. I received furniture yesterday and all I can say about the 'fuel surcharge' is...yikes. But without freight companies, where would we be??? I had a great time yesterday and accomplished a lot. Dale won't be the only one sitting pretty! Especially on Toffee Velvet! The strawberry aliens were tasty and welcome except for one who went airborne. But 'Come Fly With Me' was yesterday. I caught up with CN last night. She kept repeating that summer is almost over and if I were a violent person I would have choked the life out of her as I hate to hear that kind of thing. Many photos were taken yesterday and I will need to do little photoshopping to make them look good. Speaking of which, Happy Birthday to Madonna who turned 50 this past weekend! Talk about closeups. I would hate to be a celebrity, dealing with the flash of cameras all of the time. Did you hear that Jacque Daguerre? On this day in 1839 a presentation of his new photographic process was delivered to the French Academy of Sciences. He used mirrors, iodine and bromine and NO it was not a crack house. It was one of the early ways to take pictures. And speaking of 'close-ups', here is a photo of pinch pleated drapery made from that Monet-ish multi-purpose fabric named "devonshire' from American Textile. PN may like the darker colorway. We shall see. It is still early but the animals are asleep again. We did that park run early and although it invogrates me, it tires out those little (s)uckers. I have photos of all of them but this isn't a Holiday Greeting newsletter so I will save you from that angst. I am bringing my jigsaw into the shop today and not for what some of you may be thinking...smirk...I am going to cut shelving in clever curved shapes. They are for a little 'angel'...but don't point a camera at her; there will be hell to pay. Have a great day.