Monday, February 2, 2009

...liar, liar...

Greetings! We skipped the park as the pathways are still ice covered and made our way through the neighborhood on this morning's walk. (true) I am telling you the truth. We forged our way yesterday but stuck to the hills and fields rather than slip and slide over the rolling pathways. A few years ago a dishonest (to say the least) woman told a lie about me and I was wondering, after I proved her a liar just how many times this sort of thing happens. My neighbor is a policeman and, although he didn't give me any statistics, replied that this sort of thing happens 'all of the time'. There must be some very unhappy people out there! Real statistics show that human beings lie 80000 times a YEAR!! Geez. I guess that I am guilty at some point because when someone asks me how they look, I remain positive. When someone asks if I think that they look 'fat', I would never say yes even if they looked that way to me. But I don't go out of my way to denigrate and tell falsehoods about people to make myself feel better and that I think may be a large part of lying. Perhaps everyone should be forced to take self esteem courses to alleviate some of the lies that are being told. I worked for an underground club in the 80's (true) and part of the employment code was taking lie detector tests on a regular basis. I am proud to report that I remained in that company for many years, having taken lie detector tests over and over, obviously passing each one. Leonarde Keeler should be somewhat happy as, on this day in 1935 he tested the first polygraph machine. The gal that told a lie about me should be hooked up to one, but I think that the machine would probably blow up. And that would be a bad thing. (lie) Oddly tho', I pray for her. (truth) I have had excellent responses to the Omega Lamp, Tote Bags and Mademoiselle Mirror from my website and really cannot tell you why. (true) I have yet to hear if the groundhog has seen his shadow but when I do I will report, unless someone out there can report on here first. Have a great day. Remain honest even in the face of adversity and if someone comes up to you and asks...'do I look fat' the admirable thing and , uhm, lie.
'All men profess honesty as long as they can. To believe all men honest would be folly. To believe none so is something worse. ' John Quincy Adams