Friday, April 10, 2009 3-D...

Greetings. It is overcast this morning and always seems to rain here on Good Friday. Many Catholics keep the hours of 12-3 clear to pray and think about Jesus who was supposed to have carried the cross that he was crucified on during this time and most often coincides with the Jewish observance of Passover. There are differing views as to the hour and even the year that Jesus was crucified. Some people claim that one cannot die from being crucified, but from the dehydration that ensues. But if someone weren't nailed to a cross, dehydration wouldn't ensue, so I think that someone can die from being crucufied. Crucifixion was the way to kill people back in the day and we have come far. Now with lethal injection, which gained popularity in the twentieth century as a form of execution intended to replace other methods, it is now the most commonly used form of killing. Many find it less barbaric than Crucifixion, electrocution, hanging, firing squad, gas chamber and beheading although, as we know, these means are still used in our 'civilized' and not so civilized societies. What was that cigarette ad from years ago? "You've come a long way, baby?" If I want horror I will rent a movie and skip the news. On this day in 1953 Warner Brothers premiered the first 3-D film entitled 'House of Wax'. I remember seeing it when I was a child and it was creepy. It still is. So is nailing someone to a cross and watching them die. It always seems to rain here on Good Friday. Maybe even God needs a good cry once a year.