Hello. It is slightly overcast this morning in Chester County, PA. We finally had the courage to walk in the creek where Max took his last walk and it was difficult. I wish that I had film of that morning as I never imagined that it would be the last time that we would walk together. I thank the Universe that, even though we always wait until summer to walk in the creek, we listened to Max and did what he wanted to do, no matter how out of character it was. Max knew and that's all that really matters. Although it isn't on film, it is deeply embedded in my mind. With the advent of television, many subjects are permanently locked for viewership, especially now with 'YouTube'. On this day in 1952 Mr. Potato Head was the 1st toy advertised on television and then in 1997 42 million people watched "Ellen" admit she is gay. If memory serves me correctly, she was at an airport and spoke into a microphone for all to hear. Why not. As they say, 'Go big or go home'. Two iconic figure 'came out' on television, one who makes funny faces and one with a permanently funny one. The gal from Texas sent me a scented candle that arrived UPS yesterday and it made my afternoon. Thoughtfulness surrounds me and I am a lucky person. Speaking of 'home', today's photo is of my 'Birdhouse Style Plant Stakes'. They can be used as decorative garden accents or you can stick rude b*tches in the arm with them and do it with style. Hear that SSO??? Everyone needs a home, even teeny tiny birds. Have a great day and try to make a memory. Even if no camera people are there to film it, if it's good enough it will be embedded in your memories forever. That's not such a bad thing.
"Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us." Oscar Wilde