Greetings! The carpet installation went wonderfully yesterday morning. I received a panic call from the installer on my cell phone in the early hours and had to turn off the shower! I hightailed it to the client's home to find a teen asleep. Wake Up! We have an installation to do. It went very well, the client is a down to earth blast and everyone was happy....perhaps not the teen but everyone else. The Sofa and Loveseat for B and G will be delivered on Saturday after shop hours and get this. More wonderful clients who are actually coming with a van and we will go caravan style along with my Yukon XL to deliver and prettify their golf room. Fore! Five. Six...I have been completing a whole lot of paperwork lately even with the internet and emails. I keep learning that emailed orders do not get received and I also find that printing hard copies makes for a much better comfort zone. I am trying my best to save trees, but when Kichler Lighting Fixtures are ordered via email and then don't show up for three weeks, hmmmm. I never assume, but I do use the phone as a back-up. Who has the time these days for errors? I guess in the olden days everything was paper. On this day in 1881 the first edition of the Los Angeles Times was published. I can almost remember the scent of the ink on that early December day when the horse and rider threw the rolled up newspaper at my front door and it hit the moss cone topiary instead!* Some people still prefer that medium but I hear it is getting to be a less common occurrence. I should add that to my log! The Red Vases are a hit. Pretty much along the lines of The Dodge City Station Clock. Sometimes I choose well accessory-wise and other times I, well, uhm... I just learned that when the gang of people who broke into several vehicles at Planet Fitness several months ago also got my Social Security Card. I am identity protected of course, not that anyone would want mine but talk about going paperless. Unh uh. Not there, my friends. Elm, Oak, Maple and even a few fruit trees it seems if ya know what I'm saying...*wink*. I digress. Aside from the vases and the Bronze Table Lamps with their subtle, silk-like sage shades (terrific, I must say) and try to say that ten times fast... I think everyone who attempts that may have a bit of a lisp! Join the crowd. There was a minor mishap in the shipping as one subtle, silk-like sage shade was smashed...hehe and not smashed like the photo in this link...even tho' everything was wrapped in lots of paper and bubbles but the wonderful vendor is quick shipping a replacement shade. Paper or paperless, we do the best that we can. Have a great day everyone. *blatant attempt at cross selling...