Hello. It is another beautiful, clear day in Chester County, PA. A nice couple stopped in just as I opened to look for wall paper. They were talking about how everything is a rush as people are so short on time. I understand that but as long as things are well planned and not too many wrenches get in the way, things seem to be very good. I dropped off two chairs that I painted this morning on my way into the shop and after I did the park thing. It makes me feel free to be in that park when we usually have the place to ourselves. I am also thankful that I am busy and I have yet to feel enslaved with responsibility or demands. It is important to take a deep breath when the opportunity arises. Harriet Tubman felt extremely enslaved and did something about it on this day in 1849. As an American Abolitionist she escaped slavery. 16 long years later, and on this day also in 1865 the 13th Amendment of the American Constitution was ratified, banning slavery. And then, on this day in 1897, London became the world's first city to host licenced taxicabs. Talk about being free and creating more time. I believe that Croc and Manolo Blahnik shoe sales began to drop precipitously the following day but I may be wrong. If I am, shoe me. I am delivering the sofa and love seat today at 3 and these people are really nice. The woman's Mom died a few weeks ago and is greatly missed. I hung art for her a few years ago and she then hired me to do window treatments. She was one of the most stoic, no nonsense and tasteful people that I have ever met,(very much like my own Mom). I promised Golf Needlepoint Pillows for the daughter and it looks like I may have to teach myself how to stitch as my source no longer carries Golf-themed needlepoint pillows. I may do so then, in my free time perhaps. Today's photo is a Rustic Cross Mirror 'cause even tho' we all know that death is a part of the Circle Of Life, it doesn't make us any happier. Have a great day everyone. Make time to take a deep breath, take a head count of all of the freedoms that we enjoy and...get back to the quick pace of life.