Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Not A Cloud In The Sky...

Greetings from Chester County, Pa. 'Top Of The World' comes to mind today as it is clear, sunny and beautiful. I priced and put out some new accessories yesterday in my shop, including PIGgy Banks, Rustic Wrought Iron pieces,vanity boxes and more. I need to take pictures of everything and that will happen in due time. I'd like to be able to hang the Domed Pot Rack but hesitate with the drop ceiling that I have here so it may remain on the floor. The birdhouses pictured feed more airborne beings who sometimes are near the top of the world. An early flight navigator was Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan who, on this day in 1937 disappeared over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to make the first equatorial round-the-world flight. Friends from CT are in the area and I will hang with them this evening. One is bound to a wheelchair due to extreme MS and continues to have a great attitude. If only HE could fly. Have a great day.