Wednesday, July 22, 2009

...cuts like a knife...

Hello. I ordered everything that I needed to yesterday and also got those scale plans finished and emailed them to a client who is somewhat far away. It is hard for many people to visualize items in a certain square footage area, so my computer program does it easily, (with a little 'cutting' and pasting') and then it is off into the ether world for approval. In this situation, I have to fit in a breakfast room table that can seat eight in a long, narrow space between a bar and bay window. I think that I did it and the only thing that I don't have incorporated into the planning system are those adorable little Wii characters. It would be a hoot to do that. Then those who are visually challenged can see themselves in their own little virtual room doing their thing. Not in a bedroom of course! We had T-Bone steaks last night and LaLa had a bit of trouble cutting them even with a sharp serrated knife. Some people have no problem with this type of utensil but we got the job done. Interestingly, on this day in 1994 O. J. Simpson pleaded "Absolutely 100% Not Guilty" of murder. I was one of the few who did not follow this train wreck of pop culture from the onset. Maybe it is because, aside from the Lexus and Mercedes, I don't think that white makes for a good vehicle color choice. I understand that the color white deflects the sun in warmer climates but geez. Use that air conditioner. Besides, if I want to watch a car chase I will rent ' Fast and Furious'. Some may know what I mean. Anyway, have a great day...keep the sharp utensils out of children's and oddballs hands and have fun. Today's photo is 'Nantucket Weathered Wood Chair'.
"I didn't beat her. I just pushed her out of bed." O. J. Simpson