Thursday, April 8, 2010

...common carriers

There is nothing common about them. Freight companies have a tough job meeting deadlines, satisfying customers, performing rudimentary customer service and attending to the bottom line. Oh, wait! So does pretty much everyone in the world. A delivery was made to my shop almost a year ago but came way before stated shop hours and the driver left the nicest note taped to my front door, explaining how sorry he was that he missed me. For some reason I took a digital photo of it. I miss you too! But let's be real. I cannot possibly have the place opened 24/7. My website is, but not the physical store. I did send a copy of the bill and the letter on three occasions explaining that I had paid the freight bill through the Home Fashions distributor. That is how they do it. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to communicate this to the lovely FedEx woman. Yuck. So they sicked a collection agency on me. I responded thrice to their claim which also seemed to fall on deaf ears. Luckily, they have hired yet another collection agency to collect the double freight bill from me. When I say lucky, it is because I have my thick file handy and can go through this process yet again. They do not yet have email or Internet Access. The other Collection Agency did, which made it less expensive for me to simply email the documentation but my hope is that, once they have collected enough double bills, they too may be able to afford Internet Service. But not by me. How many of you out there like to pay twice for things? I didn't think so. I contacted a handful of proprietors and customers alike and they all readily agreed that they do not pay twice for things. On this day in 1943 U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in an attempt to check inflation, froze wages and prices, prohibited workers from changing jobs unless the war effort would be aided thereby, and barred rate increases by common carriers and public utilities. Shown today, "Yucca Tree."
"A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large."
Henry Ford