Wednesday, January 12, 2011

...Queen Of The Sea

And you thought that this was folklore! Well, it isn't. The "Queen Of The Sea" is very much alive as you can see from her latest Press Release photo. Holding a pink fishing rod brought to her by none other than Santa Claus, she has reigned over the waters for centuries. Way back, on this day in 1899 13 crew members and 5 apprentices were rescued off the coast of England by the Lynmouth Lifeboat. Yes, Nolah led the brigade and while doing so enjoyed a chocolate milk. As recently as 2004, on this day of course, the world's largest ocean liner, RMS Queen Mary 2, made its maiden voyage. Understandably pissed off due to the name change of the vessel, (it was originally supposed to be called The Queen Of The Sea Too!) our brave young lady took it in stride. Only in a few photos can it be seen that the logo on the boat was scribbled out in pink crayon.
"I have laid aside business, and gone a'fishing." Izaak Walton & Nolah L. Pie