Monday, October 4, 2010

...comfort zone

It is oddly grey and raining in Chester County this morning. I have a fun-filled day ahead and need to pack in as much as I can on my day off. First, a visit to the dentist. Then two design problem calls. One is a huge shade that refuses to cooperate and then it's a huge traverse rod that has the same type of bad attitude. I will fix both 'cause it's my job! Life cannot always be a Norman Rockwell painting. Photo shopping your life tho' can make people think that it is! My favorite Holiday album of all time is Carpenters "Christmas Portrait" and is considered to be one of the best Holiday albums of all time by critics and the popular vote also. Carpenters chose a Rockwell-esque cover for the millions and millions sold album, released in 1978. In 1978 Richard was heavily addicted to quaaludes while Karen was in the beginning throws of Anorexia Nervosa. Their lives were a living hell at the same time they released a magical collection that has stood the test of time. On this day in 1941, Norman Rockwell's Willie Gillis character debuted on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post. EW emailed me yesterday and would like to add a Custom Tailored Dust Ruffle and Euro Shams to her bedroom design. I will cross my fingers that the fabric is readily available! Interestingly, when I hit 'spell check' on this blog entry, 'anorexia nervosa' was not in the dictionary. How I wish that it wasn't a necessary addition. Have a great day, be a good person and if things aren't going exactly as you would like them to be going, photo shop; if only for the moment.
"Fortune favors the prepared mind." Louis Pasteur