Monday, November 9, 2009

...may or may not flower

Hello. Many will be travelling this Thanksgiving Holiday, one of the highest volume travel days of the year. Ironically, or maybe not so much, The 'Mayflower' travelled for 66 gruelling days, heading for the mouth of the Hudson near New York City from England. On this day in 1620 the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower finally made sight of land at Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The voyage was supposed to have been a three hour tour, carrying a Professor, a bombshell, a wealthy mature couple and a few other people but we all know how travel can be. I have to admit to the changing seasons today even tho' it's supposed to be very warm. My outdoor plants need to be retired for the winter as they need dormant time and who am I to force nature? If I don't, they may or may not flower next year. Today's photo is a 'Three Tier Snowman Tray,' perfect for entertaining or for keeping the contacts, false teeth and pills safely on a bedside table. Have a great day.
"You know more than you think you do." Benjamin Spock