Hello. It is raining again here in Chester County, PA but warm relatively speaking. I got home a little late last night and waiting for me, aside from barking and meowing heads in the front window, was a box. I entered my home, petted heads and then opened the box immediately as it did not have a sign reading 'Do Not Open 'Till Christmas'. Well, I experienced a wonderful blast from the past as it was a Creepy Crawley Thingmaker, now called a BugMaker. I used to spend hours making rubber bugs and can still somewhat remember the scent of cooking plastic as the molds heated and created multicolored worms, beetles and other forms of Entomology. What a stress reliever it was and almost instantaneously. If I have time I just may adorn my gift packages for others with color coordinated bugs, but I cannot promise that. Knowing myself as well as I do, all bugs would have to be of the proper scale and color to coordinate with each box and time is running out. Oops. Sorry. Don't stress. It's not like Germany and Italy have declared war on the US as they did on this day in 1941. I returned the call of the S and L aqua and chocolate brown clients and they will pay me a visit this Saturday morning. I hurriedly dialed and had the most delightful conversation with a gal named Mary Masciotti because I had apparently misdialed. She was a delight and although I was only one digit off, I made a mental note to slow down. Anyway, the clients claim that the room being redecorated is haunted my the ghost of a woman who likes the husband and apparently the color aqua. And no, I am not making this stuff up. Anyway, it should be a fun and beautiful project. I have already done other rooms for them and we get along famously. These folks are laid back, funny, smart and definitely not stressful. Yippee. There goes the phone again so I had better get going. Have a great day everyone and try not to stress. 'Tis the season.